Self Mastery Mentor, 
Philosopher, Subconscious Reprogrammer, Artist, Extreme Empath, Barefoot Nudist, Human as fuck,
Facilitator of your Heros Journey. 

hello love!

I'm Emma

downloads and love notes *no wasted energy ever*

Let's connect: 

your vision is my vision



"It’s hard to write the words for an experience that is so deeply life changing, that words can not describe it fully. When I think of my time coaching with Emma
I feel expansive, healed, beautiful, abundant and free.



Emma has activated me in ways I have never known before. I saw INSTANT results working with her, from very rapid weight loss, to more ease, flow and joy, a deeper connection with my body and more self love than I’ve ever experienced. Emma has a way of cracking you open so you can deeply heal at the root, while nurturing you and holding you in the most divine, blissful support."

"From the beginning I knew that Emma wanted fully what was best for me and prioritized my health and wellbeing above all else. She allowed me to be vulnerable when speaking about my health goals and helped me dig deeper into understanding the mental and emotional blocks that I had built in my life, 

lanie g.


through belief systems that had formed based on my childhood experiences. The transformation I have experienced in the last 6 months with her has been life changing to say the least. I have developed a new way of thinking and a totally new mindset when it comes to health and happiness."

"Not only did the Magical Emma guide me without judgment through my self-image issues but worked with me to get off the addictions I had for so many years.



Little did I know I came across a guru that guided me into self-evolution. She has taught me mindful practices that I try to use daily which include meditation. Emma has taught me that the Universe is really on my side and has always had my back."

"This is my first experience with a health coach. But I will say that Emma is truly on your side. She wants the best for you. Yes it’s a business, but she is not here to take your dollars and run. 

pippa o'brien


She is here to heal you, to guide you and to make you love yourself in ways you didn’t know possible. Working with Emma is like having a conversation with your soul - it’s comforting, rewarding, thought provoking, celebratory, exploratory and of course, a whole lot of fun. "

"Working with Emma has TRULY changed my life. I can’t tell you how deeply I mean those words. Emma helped me understand myself at the deepest level. 



Through coaching, meditation and journaling homework, I was able to unlock myself on all levels- thinking brain, subconscious, creative, heart- and value all of these equally in forming my business. On top of that, she is one of the funniest, most fun, beautiful, HUGE hearted, empathetic women I’ve ever met. I can’t imagine not having her in my life and I will continue to work with her as long as I can. I found a soulmate in mentor form."



Modern love letters 



"Investing in Emma as my coach/mentor was by far THE BEST investment I have ever made. I don’t say that lightly. I’m finally able to live out my dreams. And it feels liberating. I’ve gained the courage, clarity and confidence through working with her to step into my highest potential and my dream business. I healed trauma, blocked energy, limiting beliefs and bad habits I couldn’t shake my whole life. Emma gave me my power back. Emma helped me heal, she held my hand, she cuddled my heart and soul and she walked me through the pain and the wounds to get to the other side where the grass truly is greener and my life is so damn sweet.  I possess the tools and self mastery because of her. I have a wonderful relationship to food and my body and I choose empowering methods to soothe instead of self harm. Everyone needs an Emma to grow with."



"Working with Emma has been (dare I say it) fun! She is the ultimate-hype girl! I don't know how many coaches you have worked with, but I can't imagine any of them operate and love anything like the way Emma does. It takes a very unique person to be able to connect with a stranger through a computer and gain their trust, but those are just the special kinda skills that naturally Emma possesses. She isn't trying to sell you something or treat you just like everyone else, I’ve honestly never come across someone who truly and deeply cares about each and every one of her clients as individual beings as she does.I have grown so much over the last few years. I have a foundation that I can always return to even when it feels impossible. I love Emma so deeply and know you will too! "



"It’s so hard to put into words how incredible insightful, eye opening and raw emmas sessions are. She pulls out the deepest depths of your soul and helps catapult the true you into your highest self. There are moments in life when we are afraid of the truth or what the ‘real’ answer is….but with Emma it just makes sense. You feel a sense of comfort and so much security knowing, she will always have your back, your best interest and you have her FULL undivided attention when working together.  For the last 3 years I have been working with Emma. She has seen me go through a LOT of change. The biggest challenges of my life. She has taken me to new heights with my deepest darkest demons. I can’t thank Emma enough for investing in me."



"Emma led me through uncovering my thoughts, feelings, and experiences I was going through at the time and also in my past. I always soak up the gems of wisdom she shares on self mastery. I was going through transitions in my life with a desire to dream big, so it was natural for me to want to work with Emma.  She encouraged me with the confidence and love that she exudes to look to the future and follow my biggest dreams. I felt so safe with Emma helping me explore what was blocking me from what I want in life. I always felt and knew she was excited for my growth and that she really believed in me! I am happy to say that I now have more confidence, so much more clarity, and an extreme amount of knowledge of myself due to Emma's guidance, care for me and my life, and her unlimited amount of support. "



Something on your heart babe? I look forward to hearing from you and to experience whatever magic this life has in store for us together
For speaking engagements, interviews, guest coaching, or collaborations inquire to the right. 


2hr Rapid Breakthrough
Sacred Soundboard and Activation Session

Cultivating Inner Safety


the ultimate guide to end numbing, transcend anxiety, go within, and come out on top

 1:1 All-Encompassing Intensive Mentorship



Healing Collective : Private Facebook Group


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Client transformation 


Read Another 

Working with Emma has been life changing- like that emoji with the top of the head blowing off!

I came to Emma with a not-so-great self-image of myself- always trying to be 10 pounds lighter. If we could only be as fat as we thought, we were 10 years ago chasing that 10 pounds lighter. I also have been taking over the counter diet pills (caffeine) for over 10 years along with antibiotics for an acne issue I had years ago. I was afraid to leave these crutches behind. What if I did not have energy and get fatter? And my skin, I could not handle having bad skin on top of it all. I was a mess.

Not only did the Magical Emma guide me without judgment through my self-image issues but worked with me to get off the addictions I had for so many years. She was there literally through ever step of the way- detox, anxiety, rehabilitation, and the rainbow at the end when I discovered I was fine without my crutches.  

Little did I know I came across a guru that guided me into self-evolution. She has taught me mindful practices that I try to use daily which include meditation. Emma taught me that I have a good heart but like everyone who desires to be their best self, I needed to retrain my brain- I had the power to have less drama and more happiness in my life. She always manages to ask me questions that give me a “light bulb” moment and change my perspective. Emma has taught me that the Universe is really on my side and has always had my back.  AND if the above wasn’t enough- she is an incredible human being. She is full of heart, love, inspiration, spirit, wisdom beyond her years, grace, sincerity, and selflessness.

Emma’s energy is infectious, and I always want more of her when I am near her.   Surround yourself with like minded people- I choose Emma. And if you have if you have the opportunity to choose her, I highly recommend you not pass that up. 

 - Eleanor

From the beginning I knew that Emma wanted fully what was best for me and prioritized my health and wellbeing above all else. She allowed me to be vulnerable when speaking about my health goals and helped me dig deeper into understanding the mental and emotional blocks that I had built in my life through belief systems that had formed based on my childhood experiences.  I never connected what was happening in my heart and my head to what was happening with my anxiety and my weight management. Working with Emma showed me what it REALLY meant when health was approached with an authentically holistic lense. She taught me that healing had to happen in every aspect of my life in order for me to achieve my weight management goals. 

Emma helped me dig into corners of my mind that I had never visited whether that was because I didn’t know they existed or I didn’t want to acknowledge them. She helped me question my beliefs and acknowledge the beauty that I spent my life creating. When it came to dieting, Emma was supportive in every aspect in a completely refreshing way. Just fo an example: weekends are difficult for me because I have a tendency to let loose, and Emma always takes her commitment to me and my highest self to the next level, she would be right there shooting me a text on Friday asking what my plan of attack was to stay on track and keep my health goals in mind. She also taught me how to truly forgive myself and always brought me to a deeper level of self understanding as to WHY I do the things I do so that my old habits and programming does not continue to have power over me and my desired future. 

Working with Emma, I lost 10 pounds and I am continuing to shed weight. She gave me tips, tricks and suggestions for how to approach my diet and supplementation and also helped me find creative ways to exercise that achieved two goals: a happy brain and a sexy body. She also helped me come off the hormonal birth control pill, which is something I seriously thought I could never do because of my acne. I am proud to say that after taking birth control for 10 years, I am off of it, have glowing skin and I am proactively addressing my period symptoms as they arise.
If you are looking to break new grounds and achieve the body and mindstate you have always wanted, I highly recommend you work with Emma. The transformation I have experienced in the last 6 months with her has been life changing to say the least. I have developed a new way of thinking and a totally new mindset when it comes to health and happiness. I owe Emma so much for the transformation she has allowed me to experience from within myself and wish you the best of luck on your health and wellness journey!

 - Lani G.

Working with Emma has TRULY changed my life. I can’t tell you how deeply I mean those words. I came to her wanting help starting my own business and moving through my own blockages and limiting beliefs. She helped me boil down my vision for myself and my business, and then ACTIVATE it. With her loving guidance, I’ve become clear on the woman I am at my core, what lights me up, and my own special magic I bring to the world and that the world is begging me to share. With her holding my hand every step of the way, I looked into my shadow, those parts of myself that were holding me back so that I could stay safe… and small. She guided me to hold all parts of myself with compassion and feel fully integrated so that I show up 100% ME in the world. I was able to stare down the scariest parts of my growth, dig into the roots of the fear, and come out the other side realizing that these were just signs of my heart and soul begging me to stop hiding and step into my power.

Emma helped me understand myself at the deepest level. Through coaching, meditation and journaling homework, I was able to unlock myself on all levels- thinking brain, subconscious, creative, heart- and value all of these equally in forming my business. She guided me to combine feminine and masculine principles to craft my dream business and then set it into motion. She taught me the ropes of being an entrepreneur- all the nuts and bolts that go into launching a business and staying on top of my schedule and to-do list without burning myself out.

On top of that, she is one of the funniest, most fun, beautiful, HUGE hearted, empathetic women I’ve ever met. I can’t imagine not having her in my life and I will continue to work with her as long as I can. I found a soulmate in mentor form. 
She’s worth every single penny… doubled! Emma will help you electrify your LIFE! I couldn’t recommend her more highly or love her any more!

 - Lesley

It’s hard to write the words for an experience that is so deeply life changing, that words can not describe it fully. When I think of my time coaching with Emma I feel expansive, healed, beautiful, abundant and free. I found Emma when I was about 6 months postpartum after having my baby girl, and I was feeling super stuck, drained in energy and overwhelmed. I was looking for a health coach to guide me in losing weight, but I didn’t want just anyone -  I  was after the DEEP DIVE, ALL IN spiritual experience. One of my biggest goals was to raise my frequency, self worth and energy so I can be of the highest service to the world as a mum, a business owner and leader. When I found Emma, I knew she was my girl.

Emma has activated me in ways I have never known before. I saw INSTANT results working with her, from very rapid weight loss, to more ease, flow and joy, a deeper connection with my body and more self love than I’ve ever experienced. Emma has a way of cracking you open so you can deeply heal at the root, while nurturing you and holding you in the most divine, blissful support.

I have felt 100% supported, heard, safe and expansive the whole time. What unfolded in my journey with Emma was so much deeper than my initial weight loss goals! I’ve up-levelled my entire LIFE. I’ve taken back my power, healed deep past trauma that was blocking me from rising, and I’ve discovered such a profound LOVE of my body and self that I know life from now on will be that much more beautiful.

My business and wealth has expanded. My body has healed and felt safe to receive. My soul has been awakened to my highest potential. My life has been enriched in a whole new way. I feel such a deep and potent love for myself that has rippled into ALL areas of my life.

If you are thinking of working with Emma, here is my guidance: DO IT.
Trust your soul saying YES, because this beautiful woman will change your life, your body, your soul and help you BECOME the best version of you.
Thank you Emma, I love you. You are a gift to this world.

 - Jenna

Investing in Emma as my coach/mentor was by far THE BEST investment I have ever made. I don’t say that lightly. I’m finally able to live out my dreams. And it feels liberating. I’ve gained the courage, clarity and confidence through working with her to step into my highest potential and my dream business. I healed trauma, blocked energy, limiting beliefs and bad habits I couldn’t shake my whole life. I was a triggered, unhealed woman struggling with eating disorders, low self esteem, dreams I thought stayed in my head, and no emotional support from the people around me. I honest to God thought I was going to scrape by living a surface level job, feeling insecure about my body, turning to comfort and self sabotage, and never amounting to the woman I saw myself becoming because I felt so blocked. 

I didn’t know how to overcome the limiting beliefs and bad habits let alone hold enough space to admit I was the one in my own way and it wasn’t even my fault. 

Emma gave me my power back. Emma helped me heal, she held my hand, she cuddled my heart and soul and she walked me through the pain and the wounds to get to the other side where the grass truly is greener and my life is so damn sweet. 
I Love who I am, I exude immense confidence, I help others, I have the courage to follow my dreams and sold all my stuff and moved to Hawaii where I’m continuing this lifelong journey to bettering myself every day. 
And I possess the tools and self mastery because of her. I have a wonderful relationship to food and my body and I choose empowering methods to soothe instead of self harm.
Everyone needs an Emma to grow with.

 - Sabrina

I almost never write reviews/testimonials and even more so I think we often gravitate to writing them for things we do not appreciate/like. So it's an even bigger deal that I am writing one for my dear friend Emma. We didn't start off as friends, we started off as coach and coachee, but over our time together, Emma has become so much more than just a coach to me. She's a bestie/life partner/soulmate/partner in crime. I have been overweight my whole life and have identified as an emotional eater since that phrase was ingrained in my brain. 

It has become a core feature of my identity and something I have a very difficult time breaking down and discussing. Over the past few years, I have had regular video calls with Emma and she has held my (virtual) hand as we have unpacked the years of emotional and physical guilt/pain/trauma/depression/"insert emotion". It takes a very unique person to be able to connect with a stranger through a computer and gain their trust, but those are just the special kinda skills that naturally Emma possesses. She isn't trying to sell you something or treat you just like everyone else, I’ve honestly never come across someone who truly and deeply cares about each and every one of her clients as individual beings as she does. 

Also, she's not interested in throwing the latest fad diet at each and every person hoping it works for 1 out of 10 people. She tailors the program to you and gives you just the right amount of flexibility. She makes room for the excuses, but also doesn't allow you to run with them. Her goal is to help each individual transform and grow on the inside and out. She is just simply put, a life partner and she has gone through so much of my life with me that I can not imagine not having her. That's what truly impacts the long term results. She's one of the most kind, empathetic, intelligent critical thinkers I know! Before

I worked with Emma, the downward spirals/binges would last weeks-months and now they maybe last a week max. 
I'm still on the road to further growth, but having a partner, truly a partner, that I can text or reach out to anytime of the day has been life changing. Working with Emma has been (dare I say it) fun! She is the ultimate-hype girl! I don't know how many coaches you have worked with, but I can't imagine any of them operate and love anything like the way Emma does. I have grown so much over the last few years. I have a foundation that I can always return to even when it feels impossible. I love Emma so deeply and know you will too! 

 - Anonymous 

It’s so hard to put into words how incredible insightful, eye opening and raw emmas sessions are. She pulls out the deepest depths of your soul and helps catapult the true you into your highest self. There are moments in life when we are afraid of the truth or what the ‘real’ answer is….but with Emma it just makes sense. You feel a sense of comfort and so much security knowing, she will always have your back, your best interest and you have her FULL undivided attention when working together. 

For the last 3 years I have been working with Emma. She has seen me go through a LOT of change. The biggest challenges of my life. Ending relationships, starting multiple new jobs/career changes, etc. and mainly my overall physical/emotional health as a whole. 

She has taken me to new heights with my deepest darkest demons. I can’t thank Emma enough for investing in me for this long. She has been a longtime friend, but she is the best coach I have ever had. I have spent thousands with her, and it’s worth every penny and more. I would spend a million, to get the kind of coaching she offers. It’s not even close to comparable to your conventional coaching/therapist sessions. She goes WAY DEEPER.
She is the best time and money you will ever spend. I love you emma and thank you for being one of the best things in my life and a total life and game changer! 

 - Steph