A life-altering imparting of your innate blueprint and path to alignment.
Option A: Signature HD Reading or
Option B. Sovereign Systems Business Refinement Reading
+ A drop in - one off mini mentorship session
+ Therapeutic support and personalized prescriptions
+ Deep dive life re-aligning strategy session
for your "phone a friend" moments of life
An all—encompassing intensive and transformative container with maximum support. Facilitating your journey to the deepest level of your self discovery and alchemizing it into alignment with your soul's work
+ A monthly life-altering experience. A workshop, a full body & mind immersion, a solo retreat, all wrapped into ONE, full day, soul evolving event
1hr ongoing intimate therapeutic sessions for ongoing support for the unfoldment of who you are and your unique journey of this life.
the ultimate guide to end numbing, transcend anxiety, go within, and come out on top